Experience and ceremony can help make the most of psychedelic healing opportunities
Psychedelic healing can help us experience a range of deep transformational practices and sacred rituals across lineages and ancestral heritages — to expand consciousness, promote inner and outer healing, and awaken creativity.
Watch now as internationally renowned spiritual teacher Jyoti Ma shares valuable insights to prepare us for the experience and ceremony of psychedelic healing:
By connecting our Shift community with thought leaders in various aspects of psychedelic healing, we aim to support your experiential journey into the wisdom, intelligence, and integration of psychedelics and plant medicine.
The Shift Network offers a variety of opportunities to safely connect with the wisdom of sacred plants — without needing to ingest any medicine — through prayer, ceremony, integration practices, and sessions that bridge modern techniques with ancient wisdom traditions.
Our approach to supporting psychedelic healing is composed of 3 parts: Preparation, the Experience of taking the medicine, and an Integration practice.
We invite you to continue to explore the role of sacred plants and psychedelics with us — as you discover the tools you need for integrating your experiences into your daily life.

Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is also the founder of The Fountain. Its mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration with the Fountain that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earth’s sacred sites and Her Original Peoples.
Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work, collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social, and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.

Upcoming Opportunities

FREE online event on Tuesday, June 7, featuring Mazateca healer and ceremonial guide Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro: Ceremonial Magic With Sacred Mushrooms: Discover Your Soul Language Through the Emotional Alchemy of Nature’s 4 Elements.

There’s STILL TIME to join Andean medicine man “Puma” Fredy Quispe Singona for a 7-week video course currently in session (all sessions available on-demand): Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma: Entering Botanical Portals to Higher Consciousness With Reverence, Respect & Right Relationship.

Join our SACRED WISDOM CIRCLE with Mayan Elder & Curandera, Grandmother Flordemayo — and other celebrated wisdom keepers twice each month — to access Mayan and global Indigenous wisdom for answers to your deepest questions about your health, relationships, career, purpose, family issues, and more.

Integration is the Medicine
Research shows that an Integration practice may be more impactful than psychedelics and sacred plants themselves.
Watch now to see why committing to the process of Integration is so important, with Dr. Rosalind Watts, clinical psychologist and founder of ACER Integration:
Dating back to Stan Grof and the early psychonauts, there are 3 key components to psychedelic healing: Preparation, the Experience itself, and then the Integration. It is this last point in particular that is key…
Integration is at the heart of all inward explorations guided by the helping spirits of traditional medicines.
Through community and a well-cultivated sense of safety and belonging, we can dive deep into the material of our lived experience — reevaluated and recontextualized through these various lenses… so we all can reclaim the treasures that come from wholeness.
The real ceremony begins with integration. The integration is the medicine. The medicine is only as strong as your daily practice of dreamwork, breathwork, meditation, mindful movement, energy activations, ceremonial prayer, and so much more.
And remember…
What works for one person may not work for another — everyone has their own healing path.
We invite you to continue to explore the role of sacred plants and psychedelics with us — as you discover the tools you need for integrating your experiences into your daily life.

Rosalind Watts, MD, is a clinical psychologist and the founder of ACER Integration. As the former clinical lead on the Psilocybin for Depression trial at Imperial College London, Dr. Watts led a clinical team which facilitated over a hundred psilocybin treatment sessions. Having recognised that safe and effective use of psychedelics requires substantial integration support, Rosalind co-founded the UK's first psychedelic integration group, and is now launching a global online integration community, “Accept, Connect, Embody, Restore” (ACER) where members will follow a 12 month process together.
Her contributions to the field of psychedelic therapy are numerous and include the development of the the ACE model, used in clinical trials of both psilocybin and DMT, as well as the Watts Connectedness Scale, a psychometric tool for measuring outcomes of psychedelic therapy. Dr. Watts is the clinical track lead on the Synthesis Institute’s psychedelic practitioner training, and sits on the clinical advisory board of the Usona Institute.